Handbook for the Operations and Management of Public Health Emergency Operations Centers in Liberia

Handbook for the Operations and Management of Public Health Emergency Operations Centers in Liberia

Liberia`s PHEOC handbook was developed in 2017 as the primary resource manual, providing forms, role descriptions, Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that are vital to the smooth operation of the PHEOC. However, since the document was developed, there has been the emergence of new policy documents, systems, and guidelines unique to…

Liberia Multi-Hazard Contingency Plan (6 common Hazards of Liberia)

Liberia Multi-Hazard Contingency Plan (6 common Hazards of Liberia)

Disasters such as floods and epidemics have hugely reversed the gains made in several sectors, but the fragility of Liberia remains an outstanding concern to the world. The country’s past history of over fourteen years of civil turbulence compounded by extreme poverty makes it more susceptible to various types of humanitarian crises that might result…

Referral Pathway Guidelines for Immediately Reportable Diseases, Conditions, and Events

Referral Pathway Guidelines for Immediately Reportable Diseases, Conditions, and Events

Healthcare services in Liberia are delivered at three levels namely the primary, secondary, and tertiary. It begins in the community through Primary Health Care (PHC) services aimed at making services accessible and affordable to families and individuals through their participation and in line with the 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration. The organization of service delivery into three levels of care is intended to rationalize the delivery of health services within the health system for efficient use of existing resources.