One Health Liberia - Integrated Disease Surveillance

National Technical Guidelines for Integrated Disease Surveillance & Response

This document introduces the concept of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR), which incorporates indicator-based and event-based surveillance as integral parts of an Early Warning Alert and Response (EWAR) system. This section provides guidance on how IDSR works, its objectives, and how it can help to build and sustain the International Health Regulation (IHR) core capacities with support from National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL), Ministry of Health (MoH) and partners, thereby facilitating its implementation.

Animal Diseases Surveillance and Response System in Liberia – July 2019

Animal Diseases Surveillance and Response System in Liberia – July 2019

Liberia is located on the western bulge of Africa, bordered to the north by Guinea, to the east by Côte D’Ivoire, to the west by Sierra Leone, and to the south by the Atlantic Ocean. The Country is divided into 15 political sub-divisions, called Counties. Each County is headed by a Superintendent; the County is also subdivided into Districts, Chiefdoms, Clans, Townships, and communities. The population of Liberia was estimated at 4,503,438 in 2015. Of the total, 49.7% and 50.3% live in rural and urban areas, respectively.

Referral Pathway Guidelines for Immediately Reportable Diseases, Conditions, and Events

Referral Pathway Guidelines for Immediately Reportable Diseases, Conditions, and Events

Healthcare services in Liberia are delivered at three levels namely the primary, secondary, and tertiary. It begins in the community through Primary Health Care (PHC) services aimed at making services accessible and affordable to families and individuals through their participation and in line with the 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration. The organization of service delivery into three levels of care is intended to rationalize the delivery of health services within the health system for efficient use of existing resources.

National Action Plan on Prevention and Containment of AMR in Liberia

National Action Plan on Prevention and Containment of AMR in Liberia

This National Action Plan (NAP) on Prevention and Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) presents a situational analysis on AMR in Liberia, describes the One Health Coordination Platform governance system, and defines the objectives, strategic, operational, monitoring, and evaluation plan for AMR. It also maps current and required resources for combating AMR.